Дистанційне навчання 6В

Monday, the twentieth of November

Theme: Travelling. Holiday problems

1. Answer the questions    in your exercise books:

1. Do you like travelling?

2.What kind of holiday do you prefer?

3. What means of transport do you prefer?

4. How often do you travel?

5. Where do you usually stay?

6. Did you have any problems while you were on holiday?

2.Do Ex. 9,p.31  Make collocations with the words from the list and  write them in your exercise books 

3.Do Ex. 10, p.31 Choose the correct word and write the  sentences in your exercise books.

Homework:  Ex. 12, p.31 write a short  story about a problem you had while on holiday. Get ready to tell   the class your story . 





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